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Let’s be honest: guest rooms often play second fiddle to primary bedrooms. But shouldn’t your visitors – from distant relatives to close friends – also feel at home in a comfy, cozy space?
Serta icomfort mattress on a wooden bedframe in a bedroom
You’ll sleep on it for years, so you want to get this one right.
How to sleep in a van and wake up feeling fantastic
It’s possible to sleep well on the road. Here’s how to make your camper van bed a place you look forward to spending time.
Corner view of a bedroom decor.
When you create a room that you love, you’ll enjoy more restful sleep. These bedroom decor tips from top design influencers can help you create your own relaxing sanctuary.
Breakfast trays and food on top of comfy yellow bedding
We asked design pros about their secrets on which linens and designs choices help whisk their guests away to relaxation mode.
A graphic illustration of a bed before and after using linen spray for fresh, wrinkle-free bedding without an iron.
Think of linen spray as a miracle in a spray bottle, at least when it comes to wrinkle-free bedding.

1. Make sure your bedding is fresh

Dust mites, dirt, and dead skin cells can build up over time. Don't let them be your oldest bed partners.

2. Do bed-related laundry once a week

Rule of thumb: Wash anything your body touches once a week. For other items, follow our laundry guidelines.

3. Vacuum around your bed

Did you know your curtains are dust-collecting culprits too? Keep them on your to-do list when vacuuming.

4. Practice literal sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene here means habits and practices that keep you sleeping well. Follow these foundational tips.
Find your bedroom inspiration
Grumpy pug wrapped in a blanket on a bed
This annual clock change can impact our brain and bodies. Learn how and what you can do to minimize its effects.
A graphic of a bed with morning light coming through the window.
Following a few simple feng shui rules in your bedroom can help you create a sanctuary for sleep and serenity.
A woman snuggled up, asleep in bed with a book open next to her.
Could a consistent sleep schedule be the key to a more content life? Our experts say it could definitely help.
Two people sitting up in bed reading newspapers in bed. Text reads: Sleep News Week of December 8, 2023
Working shift work, especially at night, may lead to an increased risk of having a sleep disorder.
large dog resting, pampered, pampered in the arms of its owner in the bedroom at night
We get it! Who can resist snuggling up with their pooch? But is it okay to let your dog sleep in your bed? We look at the benefits and drawbacks, with experts’ advice on how to do it right.
Profile of woman sitting looking at light therapy lamp in a dark room
Your sleep and mood might benefit from some better lighting. Here's what to know about light therapy lamps and sunrise lamps for SAD, Vitamin D, and better wake-ups.
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